What is the Traduka Wisdom Poetry Series®?

The Traduka Wisdom Poetry Series® is a modern mystical poetry collection written by the poet, Wendy E. Slater, to bring healing to each reader in a unique way. The compilation of poetry volumes was created for the purpose of taking the reader on a journey of the soul to inspire, mend, comfort, and ignite one’s own self-discovery, self-realization, and transformation. As of October 2023, there are 5 published volumes in Slater’s poetry series.
Slater’s modern transcendent poetry reflects deeply on both the hidden and revealed relationship of nature, the cosmos, humanity, and the healing of archetypes both esoteric and known in the individual and collective psyche. In our fast-paced modern reality, there is a renewed awareness of our oneness with all humanity, nature, and the cosmos. As we remember and re-awaken from the illusory separation of self, love, and Divinity, we must reconcile with self-blame and judgment. When blame and self-judgment are transformed, healed, and cease to be, one has reawakened without the myth, “the mythos,” of separation from Source. One comes to understand that Divinity or “all that is” is within the self. This true self-reunion is a remembering and reawakening that reveals itself with uncomplicated Universal Truths.
The intent of The Traduka Wisdom Poetry Series® is to heal, release, and transmute self-blame and judgment so that self-compassion may re-awaken within. Self-examination does not involve judgment or self-blame; rather it allows one to approach forgiveness and begin to understand that compassion starts with the self. In this process of inner healing, one begins to see that inner compassion emanates out to others with an increasingly less comparative and judgmental stance.
The self, love, and Divinity become progressively evident and commence to come into full union when one releases judgments, labels, and comparatives. The spiritual and Divinity are always present – even in the seemingly mundane. When hampering qualities like self-judgment and self-blame are obscured or hidden from the Self’s realization, illusions distort and project out from the ego onto others and one’s life experience.
The Traduka Wisdom Poetry Series® will rekindle the reader’s inner wisdom and point the reader toward a new awareness of our oneness with all humanity, nature, the cosmos, and The Divine, or “all that is”. It is one by one as we heal and come into unity and oneness that we may then impart compassion together as an increasingly larger unified frequency. It is through self-compassion that we connect to Divinity and then, without effort, may emanate forgiveness and love so that others, too, may remember the union of the self and “all that is”, or the Divine, resides within all.
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