Wendy Slater's Unique Healing Frequencies: The TRADUKA Method
with Sessions and Products Designed to Clear, Release & Repattern Imbalances & Constrictions in Clear, release, and repattern imbalances in your life force energy
with Wendy Slater's unique healing frequencies: The TRADUKA Method
Take the Next Step in Your Healing Evolution with TRADUKA Integrative Solutions for Balancing the Body, Mind, and Spirit
All TRADUKA integrated metaphysical healing appointments incorporate Slater's unique healing frequency, medical intuition, and shamanic healing.
Each session is designed to release and re-pattern energetic blockages that are constricting the electromagnetic frequencies of the life force energy.
Sessions recircuit the energy fields to bring in subtle energy protection, clearing, and repatterning.
The causes and effects of imbalances and blockages within your energetic frequencies WILL be discovered and addressed.
Choose the services that best fit your needs...
Hi, I'm Wendy! I Want To Introduce You To The TRADUKA Method
Awaken Your Wisdom through Sacred Poetry
by Wendy E. Slater
Epic and timeless...
Simmering, soul-searing modern mystical poetry to awaken you on your path of self-discovery, self-realization, and inner healing.

My journey into metaphysics began in 1991 with a pivotal and sudden life-changing event.
I was thrust inward on a journey of self-discovery that required me to examine the limitations of allopathic medicine as well as societal, familial, and cultural expectations and definitions of my choices and who I was. This lengthy and arduous awakening enabled me to understand how external definitions can energetically entangle and hem in the truth of one’s being.
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