Thank you for choosing to purchase a Traduka Gift Certificate for a friend, colleague, employee, family or anyone!
You can purchase a minimum of $75, but you are welcome to enter any amount that you'd like to gift on the checkout page.
Once your order is processed, the directions on how to use the gift certificate will be outlined on the confirmation page.
For your reference, here is a pricing list of all services listed below that the gift certificate can be applied to:
- In-person TRADUKA healing appt - $375 USD
- Virtual TRADUKA consultation for people for realigning and repairing subtle energy bodies - $750 USD
- Virtual TRADUKA healing appt. for pets - $750 USD
- Priority virtual appt for people -$1,500 USD
- Priority virtual appt for pets - $1,500 USD
- Custom alchemical body mist spray consultation and creation of custom body mist spray - $825 USD
- Property and Land Clearing Session and the price: $1,250 USD